Raglan Mine project – Phases II and III

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Autorisation under condition
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Glencore Canada Corporation, which operates the Raglan mine in the Katinniq sector, wants to develop new underground mines and extend its production of nickel concentrate beyond 2019, over a period of 20 years. The project includes:
– The exploitation of two new underground mines, called Mine 14 and Donaldson, from 2019 to 2032 (Phase II).
– The progressive exploitation of three new underground mines, called Mine 8, Boundary and Boundary West, from 2023 to 2039 (phase III).
The total annual production for the duration of these two phases would remain the same as at present, 1.32 Mt.
Most facilities serving the current mining operations, including those of the Katinniq complex (concentrator, accommodation complex, sewage treatment system), the port infrastructures in Deception Bay, the Donaldson airport and the road network will be used for phases II and III.
The area occupied by the new mining facilities for Mine 14, Boundary and West Boundary will be 20 ha. for all three sites and 10 ha. for Mine to 8. The additional area required for new installations at the Donaldson site is about 1 ha.
The realization of Phases II and III require, namely:
– The expansion (about 90 ha) of the existing tailings site located in Katinniq.
– The construction of new access roads to the new mining sites that will have a width of 15 m;
– Pumping and treatment of runoff waters of mining sites;
– The electricity supply of the new mining sites by a 25 kV cable connected to the existing Qakimajurq mining site.
Preliminary information provided to the Commission give more details on the proposed mining installations, present a short description of the receiving environment and the expected impacts, the information and consultation activities planned by Glencore and a preliminary project schedule. This document is available here.
According to the calendar submitted by the proponent, the construction could start in June 2017