Project to Open and Operate a Quarry in Inukjuak

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Decision Adjourned
FCNQ Construction Inc. is planning the development of a new quarry with a maximum surface area of 2.95 hectares. The proponent presented a site for the proposed quarry in its preliminary information document (Figure 1 and 2). The proponent subsequently presented a new site in its additional information to distance the quarry from an archaeological site (Figure 3). A proposed borrow pit, which received an attestation of exemption on March 4, 2019, is located to the southwest, adjacent to the proposed quarry. The proponent is the Northern Village of Inukjuak, which intends to collect granular material from the site.
The rationale of the quarry project is to produce aggregates to meet all of the Inukjuak’s needs for about 10 years. The proponent’s objective is to produce 200,000 tonnes of aggregate over the first two years. It estimated that production will subsequently be revised upwards, due to anticipated growth in demand in the community.
The main works planned are organic matter stripping, surveying, drilling, hole loading, blasting once a week, crushing, screening and stockpiling. During the restoration phase after the quarry operations, unstable blocks will be removed from the quarry walls, fencing may be installed, landings of up to 4 meters high will be built if the walls are higher than 10 meters and the bottom of the quarry will be made suitable for water drainage.
The proponent’s intention is to begin works in June 2021 and to finish them in June 2030. Each of the operating periods (2021–2023, 2025–2027 and 2029–2030) will be followed by restoration.