Project to Replace Culverts on the Airport Access Road and Install AWOS at Salluit Airport
Affected area
Step of the procedure /
Authorization of the modification of the certificate of authorization (french only)
Decision pdf 263 KBDescription
As the only land link between the Northern Village and essential infrastructure, such as the airport, the northern landfill site and the wastewater treatment site, the 2.7-km-long Salluit Airport access road must remain open at all times. The road embankment varies between 2 m and 5.6 m, depending on the location and if the majority of the road is paved, with the exception of some areas targeted by the public works in 2012–2013 that maintained the gravel road surface. Tube-type guardrails line much of the existing roadway. After the replacement of the 11 culverts, guardrails will have to be reinstalled and the affected sections of asphalt replaced by gravel surface.
Weather observation systems with new technology, AWOS (automated weather obsevation systems) can replace current HWOS (human-operated weather observation system) weather stations that require operator presence. These modern technological facilities permit the acquisition and dissemination of relevant and up-to-date weather data to carriers at all times. This new facility is expected to provide sustainable mobility of people and goods by ensuring the efficiency and safety of transportation systems. The new AWOS will be located near the current HWOS. This equipment will be placed on an approximately 5×15 m platform